There are so many things that seaweed can do for you such as:
Weight Loss
Hormonal Balance
Fighting Cancer
Healthy Pregnancy
and without seaweed, the fallout could be catastrophic.
Okay, not really but one of the key elements in seaweed could and can cause numerous illnesses and diseases.
We need iodine in our lives. Without it, you leave yourself perceptible to PCOS, prostate disorders, several different thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes.
For males and females over the ages of 19, it is recommended by the National Institution of Health, NIH, to take no more than 1,100 mcg per day of Iodine(1).
14-18 900mcg
9-13 600mcg
4-8 300mcg
1-3 200mcg
Other Sources Of Iodine
If you can't stand the taste of seaweed, or if you have an allergy, there are plenty of other sources of Iodine, other than the Iodized salt.
Seaweed contains a compound sodium alginate. This compound is used in ice cream, salad dressing, and yogurts to thicken them up!
If you ever needed an excuse to eat ice cream now you have one.
Other foods that contain iodine are:
(this is a list in descending order, for the amounts of iodine they contain)
Iodized Salt
Fish Sticks
White Bread
Fruit Cocktail In Heavy Syrup
Cheddar Cheese
Raisin Bran Cereal
Lima Beans
Apple Juice
Green Peas
One sheet of seaweed ranking from 16 to 2,984mcg per serving and a medium banana at 3mcg.
That's a huge difference, the cod is only at 99mcg per serving.
If you are still yet convinced, let me paint this picture for you. Iodine is so essential for your health that even in the 1800s a chemist produced the first Iodine pill to help patients with thyroid diseases and as an antiseptic for external wounds.
Those pills would then go on to help the people of Chernobyl and even more.
Weight Loss
Seaweed, found in many studies, can block fat absorption by 75%. When seaweed was paired with pomegranate oil, there was a significant amount of weight loss in obese patients. So grab some pome juice and munch on your dry seaweed.
Signs You Have A Iodine Deficiency
Swelling In The Neck
Weight Gain
Feeling Weak
Hair Loss
Dry, Flakey Skin
Slow Heart Rate
Memory Problems
Trouble Retaining, Learning
Heavy Irregular Periods
Pregnancy Complications
There are so many things seaweed does for you and Iodine even more so. To keep learning more make sure to subscribe and if you have any questions or want to know more leave a comment or shoot me a message on the forum page.
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